Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2/2/11 ETS Staff Meeting

Sys Admin meeting went well - IP address process change going to move forward - Looking for more feedback. Next meeting is Feb4th from 10-12 in the Salmon River Room. Ann, Michael, Lou

Pam Crowell is leaving after June to care for a sick mother or father.

Rob Mottishaw resigned.

Chuck and Steve (Tony's unit) are both on short term disability

Performance eval process is starting - evals to employees by spring break?

Classroom upgrades in F2F classrooms moving ahead. Brian, Ryan, and Mike busy with this over the next 6 months.

Evaluation of interactive monitors and short throw projectors - Hitachi in the ITRC.

WebEx will be here Friday doing a demo in the ITRC lab from 1:00 to 3:00. This is the second of the Web Conferencing demos on campus.

If you haven't seen Matt's new eCigarette you should do so - way cool and cutting edge technology.

Copyright website. Want to make this a comprehensive site for all of ETS and faculty using copyrighted material.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

1/6/11 ETS Staff Meeting

Now that we have been using CCER, everyone should go double check the user guides.

Budget talks, targets, ideas. Do we want an audience with Randy Gaines to discuss?

Darl's staff should be able to get to the new Moodle servers around end of February. We need power outlet conversion to be done by that time for the new rack

We need to get networking negotiated with Mark for the new servers. We need 5 network connections (4 Gig and 1 10meg) per server 5 X $650 each box.

Moved(Moodle, Brigidit, other?)205 segment behind the firewall - we need to use the VPN to get to those. Did (Michael, Ann, Lou) visit with Eric about accessing the servers through the VPN?

Druva will be cut over to the new server after Jan. 3. - so new users can get after that date. all of us already using Druva are going to have to install a new client.

Anything/anybody from the Dell visit on Wednesday?

For desktop emulation - ISOS recommends that you change the default port?????

Pharmacy and PA have recently bought Turning Point stuff.......

Tim Lammers is now part of NeTel in the College of Tech

New Wireless for Library and Rendezvous is going on this semester.

IPV6 We own our own block

205 segment moving behind the firewall Wednesday 1/5/10

We have purchased the Novell IDM solution

DRUVA is going to be available after this week.

Mcafee upgrade is happening this semester. Host intrusion prevention (firewall) SPYWARE/MALWARE will become available to users.

Dell is here from 2:00 to 4:00 to talk about unified computing. In room BA 507.

email delegation is available in Google. Will it get turned on? All other Google services are going to be enables in the .edu environment sometime this semester.

Meridian Room Status?

Set the meeting for every two weeks this semester.

Monday, November 22, 2010

12/2 Staff Meeting

Video Encoding

Update on Tandberg content server.
Encoder in each room. Going to capture at the source (where the instructor/operator are).
Lou/ITRC looking at different video cards/software to solve the changing input dilemma.
Jim and Guy involved in idea generation for improving human side
Michael/Stamm working on script to determine any missing recordings before anyone calls

But - we are in this together! If it is captured in ETS it is captured! Far sites need to start being more responsible for recordings when the instructor is there.

I want to start seeing the ITRC help desk taking names when a faculty call about a video not being posted and having a full time staff member call them back with explanation of what is going on - either Guy, or Lisa. We need to start ticketing all these "problems" with encodings as well so we can evaluate numbers, causes, etc. with real data. If we want to improve, we need to measure!

We need to present unified response to faculty about what is going on with encodings and posting of encodings. Once the full story is known - full time staff will call faculty back. We need 1-2 business days to get videos posted.

I'd like to get to the point that only hardware failures keep us from capturing - but there will always be hardware failures that we can't control. And, we will probably always have some human failures over the course of the year as well. We need to be in a continuous improvement mode about that (Always looking for ways to get better).

This has quickly become a critical service we provide. It enhances the video classrooms to make them a more flexible form of Distance Education by adding an asynchronous ability to their use. I think that will prove to be very important to ISU and our distance education efforts as we continue to move forward.

Update equipment and IP database - sys admin meeting week of Dec. 6th, all requests will go to the service desk - should be assigned within one hour.

X Drive handout provided

Ron Johnson - Ron is transferring into ETS to take on computer support in all instructional spaces on campus - not drop in labs.

Druva - no one is asking Lou to help get this installed!!

Lou now has two window's servers. The old events server and the old Real Server. Do with as you please........ As long as brigit and ressched have a home.

Randy Stamm - report on session for "creating Flexible, Technology-Enhanced Collaboration and Learning Spaces"

Michael Spall - status on efforts to identify withdrawn students in Moodle?

Lou - Do we have news about the Hitatchi or Wacomm interactive tablets?

RFI for Web Conferencing is out to vendors. Responses expected by end of December.

Lou - saved browser data off of Lydia's computer????

Thursday, October 28, 2010

10/28/10 Staff Meeting

Water fund is gone - for those in Pocatello that want the water, please contribute to the fund

Moodle/Sun server maintenance renewal is moving forward.

I'm meeting with Randy G. and Laura M. to talk about classroom support issues on 11/19. I think this is simply going to be about the issue that we no longer have any dedicated budget for this - since the budget cuts.

United Way - Goal is 100% participation at any level. This week's potluck is in support of that. There is a $1 fee/donation to attend that will go to United Way and will count as participation. The other events:
Dress Casual Days!
--Scarecrow Att
--Bowling Tournament!
--Participation Prizes!

Will be the same type of thing. There will be a phase II much like we did last year with a push for something leading up to the holidays. I'm guessing it will be a food bank drive of food and/or money with a volunteering opportunity again. Will probably all be tied up with a Thanksgiving week potluck to announce the final results. I would pay for travel from Idaho Falls, Twin Falls, for this event. What do Meridian folks want to do?

Repeat: New "N" network WAPs going to start rolling out on campus.

RFI for web conferencing is going to be complete this week.

Registration starts the 8th of November. Will open at 12:01 a.m. instead of 6:00 p.m. Intent is for it to happen on-line.

COB is asking about a lecture capture system. They asked about Tegrity - but are open and interested in whatever. They might want to use some of their TIG money to get started on this.

Randy Stamm working on a grant application for the NGLC grant. Thinking about a student participation/at risk indicator for Moodle.

Christmas Party this year?

Meridian classroom moves?

Friday, October 8, 2010

10/14/10 Staff Meeting

NeTel will be moving to Pinnacle for billing, ticketing, etc. It will also be the new IP database server - but by then they expect to be using DHCP addressing. But the bottom line is want to lock down the IP Database from outside users.

Wireless AP's are all going to be updated. They will take advantage of the "N" network. There is no more "B" network wireless at ISU. Only A, G, and N

JayDell (NeTel) has a very sick wife that has no immune system left. JayDell has to be very careful about taking any illness home with him. All of us should be careful about spreading germs again this year generally. I know a lot of students come sick and spread illness. Be cognizant of your situation. Wash your hands A LOT, keep from spreading sickness and stay home if you need to.

TMS software update?

Matterhorn news - Lou?/Brian?

Webinar on Cheating available on Media Server. We won't keep this file forever. Please view/share in the coming weeks.

Status of CHE 313 and 314?

Time Clock Plus (TCP) upgrade? I'm talking with Tony about this next week. I think we are out of warranty at the moment and I want to get that fixed, I need to know if we think the upgrade is the way to go right now.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

9/30/2010 Staff Meeting

Sage Adams - New Sr. Instructional Technologist in the ITRC will start Monday (10/4). He comes from Univ of Alaska.

A committee to evaluate an enterprise Web Conferencing solution is being formed. I have created a draft RFI document that is being commented on right now. I'll be assisting Kay Christensen in chairing that committee.

Note from Helpdesk, missing Moodle Courses?

Interviews for TF VIM are progressing. Jim arranging a video conference with one candidate this Friday.

Workshop on Academic Integrity scheduled for Wednesday, October 13th 12:00-1:30pm in the ITRC. Any ETS staff or invited faculty are welcome to attend.

Plans progressing on the Meridian classroom move. Offices are still an alternate add-on. Drawings should be available at ISU Friday or early next week and will need to be reviewed. (Jim, Blake, Mike) Plan is to move those two rooms over the Christmas Break. Now hoping to get access by end of finals week. Jim checking with Marty on availability of Pharmacy rooms for end of semester and beginning of spring semester if necessary to move classes up there temporarily.

I just received notice that money has been authorized for ETS to spend on four equipment purchase/upgrade projects. Rendezvous classroom equipment, Tandberg encoder, Moodle Servers, and Video Classroom PC's.

Mike or Jim - did I ask either of you to attend and Engineering staff meeting on 9/27 at 10:00 a.m.?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Notes from Randy's 9/13 Manager's meeting
  • For Pcards - are we totally on CSER? Or do things still go through HP1 sometimes?
  • Display instructor name in a different color in a forum/discussion board?
  • Lou talk with Hans about back up of Res Sched. For $200 we can do files only (how Moodle does it). But it is significantly more for a data base back up. Lou and Hans work out if we can do it for the cheap - if not, lets talk.
  • Tony has a good price negotiated on high end Dell optiplex for $1075 with a 22" monitor or a $600 for a mid range optiplex without a monitor. Tony can pull quotes.