Thursday, February 14, 2008

For Staff on 2/22

Another incredible video

Another riddle:
Everyone knows that the sundial is the timepiece with the fewest moving parts. Do you know what timepiece has the most moving parts?

ITRC/Luminis Talk

If we can have 2000 simultaneous users in the portal and we have an "active" channel to Moodle. Moodle will have 2000 simultaneous users, at least a log in. Can we handle that? We need to test that on the new servers or else put a static link to Moodle instead in the portal.

Ask the Moodle community about the types of connectors they have to Luminis. Do they use CPIP or GCF to create those links?

I will try to arrange with the appropriate Sungard folks to talk about Moodle integration. This phone call is scheduled for Friday the 22nd.

Michael working with Alicia and Helpdesk to sync Cuts and Moodle information.

ISOS is saying the first of April for Troy Wheatley to be available to set up and install the new Moodle servers. I'll keep asking about this in managers meeting. As of Friday, 2/14, Steve/Bob Wharton/Connie had not entered the req into the ISU system.

ERP to utilize Adobe Connect. Need to talk to David about storage of all these sessions outside of Adobe Connect.

Randy's Staff meeting

A dress code is being considered for IT - I'll be contributing the document Jim prepared two years ago. I'm not sure how it will translate across the various departments and job functions.

OC3 update - Qwest was problematic. Now Mark is delaying until an I2 decision can be made (I can't remember what that means now) so both can be implemented at the same time. Should be within a week or two.

Where are we with the Accord/MCU issues?

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